[Salon] Free University of Berlin Cancels Event with UN Palestine Rapporteur Albanese
- To: salon@listserve.com
- Subject: [Salon] Free University of Berlin Cancels Event with UN Palestine Rapporteur Albanese
- From: Chas Freeman <cwfresidence@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:26:16 -0500
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FM: John Whitbeck
The report at the link transmitted below evidences, yet again,
the consistency of Germany's world-leading support for
genocides over the past 120 years.
Germany perpetrated the first genocide of the 20th century,
that of the Herero and Nama peoples of German South-West
Africa (today's Namibia), supported the Ottoman Empire's
genocide of the Armenian people during World War I,
perpetrated the genocide of Jews, Roma and other
"undesirables" during World War II and is supporting Israel's
genocide of the Palestinian people today.
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